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Riding the Waves

Riding the Waves

We have a full “Harvest Moon” coming this weekend:  Friday into Saturday.

Full moons have a lot of energy.  They can magnify whatever is going on in our lives If you have been feeling out of sorts, you may find you feel even more so. 

And women, remember, we are ruled by the moon.
This means we may have an “extra special ride” ride when it’s the full moon time.

On the other hand, if you are feeling strong, even tempered and on top of your game, this too can be more heightened. You may feel even more joyful, inspired, and expanded.

The planet Jupiter, the largest planet known for its wisdom, is contributing to the full moon effects this month.

Jupiter’s influence helps cut through confusion.
Thoughts and feelings that have been stuffed down may rise up.

We may find we have the power and courage to see and feel what needs our attention and take action that moves us in the direction that is right for us.

There are many tools which help bring us back to a place of presence, stability, and stillness.

Mantras are one such tool.

The word mantra means a vehicle or tool to help neutralize the mind and connect us with our heart.

Mantras help us clean our minds and discover what is getting  in our way of experiencing happiness and peace.

    Please join me for the weekly Free Online Yoga Class!

    Thursday,  Sept. 8, 2022
    All Levels, everyone is welcome!

    Let’s  come together for a full moon practice with breath and movement  to help clear what is obstructing us in daily life, heighten our intuition, and open us to new possibilities and uplifted moods.

    We will chant a mantra dedicated to the moon to help bring peace of mind:

    Click Here for the link to one such version of the mantra.

    Hope to see you!