These troubling times continue on.
So many of us feel the heartache, anger, despair, and overwhelm. We go through our days not quite knowing how to feel or what to do.
My daily practice helps me stay strong and steady. And, I often look to inspirational readings.
Here is one that helps keep things in perspective for me:
“Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height.
Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches.
Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth.
Both are needed, and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes, simultaneously.
The bigger the tree, the bigger will be its roots.
In fact, it is always in proportion. That’s its balance.”
One thing I know to be true.
We need our practices more than ever to help us stay grounded and balanced.
Movement, breath work, mindfulness, and meditation are some of the keys to help maintain inner stability.
Training ourselves daily with our sadhana, or practice, helps us develop a stable emotional body and a calm mind which in turns bring about peace and happiness.
When we uplift ourselves then we also deepen our roots and we can shine our light and help uplift and root all those around us as well.
This takes work. Freedom takes work. Doing our own inner work is what is needed more than ever now.
The saying goes: Peace begins with us.
I encourage you to reflect upon the following questions and write down insights, thoughts, or anything all all that comes to mind. This practice will help clarify and guide you on your path.

Some Questions to Ponder:
- What are the areas within us that needs healing?
- What are our triggers that bring on shame, anger, resentment, blame, and pain?
- What can we do to help uplift ourselves so we can uplift all those around us?
We are encouraged to let ourselves feel what is going on.
We are encouraged to take the time to self-reflect and self-correct.
- What are our thoughts, how are we behaving?
- How are we living day in and day out?
- What are we surrounding ourselves with? What are we eating?
- Are our daily habits supporting our mental and emotional health?

“Stop a minute. Relax your shoulders, shake your head and spine like a dog shaking off cold water.
Tell that imperious voice in your head to be still.”
-Barbara Kingsolver