by Deborah Keene | Jun 17, 2019 | Uncategorized

Photo Courtesy of Sharyn Peavey Photography
Feel uplifted, shiny and bright!
Prepare for the upcoming precious season of Summer.
Friday, June 21, 6:30-8:30am
Ayurveda Yoga Center, 91 Stevens Pond Rd., Liberty
We will Align our internal rhythms and energy with that of the cosmos so that we can feel the inherent ease when we are in balance with all that there is.
Our breathing and posture practices will help us charge our own solar power, remove blocks that fetch us up, and smooth away stress, irritation and excess stickiness.
We will chant a mantra to open our hearts and calm our minds with the Solstice in mind.
The Sound vibrations of the Gong will help to dispel negativity and clear away whatever might be holding us back from living the life we want.
We will drink a nourishing beverage that will help with seasonal allergies –with a short discussion on that topic.
I develop these monthly and seasonal practices so that they are powerful enough to carry us for a few days: even weeks. I give my all to these offerings. I design them so that we are fed on every level of our being. They are for all levels – which means all levels.
Gentle enough for anyone – powerful enough for everyone!!
I hope you will come and continue to support these offerings in the “off the beaten path community” right here in the small country town of Liberty, Maine.
As a friend once said, “It may be a little out of the way, but it’s well worth the trip.”
This day on Friday, June 21, 6:30-8:30am will certainly be a celebratory morning to greet the longest day of the year. If you haven’t been here in a while or you haven’t been here before, or you come all the time, please come!
(And, my second surprise may be here by that time!!! The Gong being the first Surprise!)
Please e-mail me to hold a space. Minimum of 6 people are needed. $20-$30. Sliding scale payable at the door.
by Deborah Keene | Sep 15, 2015 | Uncategorized
The seasons give way to one another. Each one beckons us to turn with them and make the gentle shift in our focus and intentions. September marks the turning towards “going in.”
September has been viewed by the elders from long ago as the beginning of a new year; differing in sentiment than January’s new year’s resolutions. I recently read a quote written by Katharine Elizabeth Fite that appeared in the 1949 Good Housekeeping,
“What we need in autumn is an emotional or spiritual shot in the arm.”
September offers us the opportunity to harvest all that we have sown during the rich growing season and now redirect our energies. Summer’s expansive, outward yang focus slowly yields to autumn’s more inward, quieter yin. Slow and gentle are key, especially this year as summer’s hold remains strong.
If we heed nature’s callings we can reflect quietly upon what needs our attentions, what it is we long for and what is our spirit’s call.
“Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it.” -Buddha
Get to know yourself deeply…..
If we know what our life’s purpose, our Dharma, is and we are not honoring our spirit’s call then ask why not. What is getting in our way? Is it fear of failing or fear of change or limiting beliefs?
If we do not know what our higher purpose is then now is a great time to sit with that question.
We can ride on Mother Nature’s back to help draw our attention back into ourselves.
When we are truly connected to the center of ourselves we are able to tap into and trust our own deep wisdom and experience the ease and joy that is our birthright.
From that place we will be guided by our bright light and live our lives to the fullest.
So, Know thyself: the teachings of Yoga and Ayurveda show us the way…..
The month of September begins that call for us to “come back home”.
Let’s celebrate the journey!!!
Autumn Equinox ~September 23
Honor this day of equal light and dark
Balance your energies with stillness and movement; silence and sound
Rise before the sun comes up
Sit in the dim with a lighted candle
Burn a sage leaf or incense
Drop into your own sweet soul
Feel the physical body and what it is making contact with; your cushion, chair seat, couch, floor….
Feel a broad, heavy base and lengthen upward thru the spine from that grounding place
Breathe in and breathe out, quietly and gently; breathe into the low belly; that deep place of knowing
Rise up and move the body; sway gently, let the movement build
Say a prayer of gratitude while you watch the day come
“Always be aware that you have the power to create the naturally stress-free and tranquil life you deserve.” -Wayne Dyer
by Deborah Keene | Mar 20, 2015 | Uncategorized
I thought it fitting that my first blog post would be about skin. Here’s why:
My journey down this natural health and healing path began with skin care forty-five years ago this year. I was 15 at the time. Back then, My mom and I made facials with ingredients like oatmeal, cream, honey and fruit.
In my late teens, my sister Kim and I placed freshly picked, steamed burdock leaves on our faces to help heal our pimples.
(Burdock is a blood cleansing herb. Anytime we have rashes, blemishes or any other skin condition we know we need to detoxify the blood.)
We also pressed almond oil onto our skin with the back of spoons that had been warmed in cups of hot water. We would then lie upside down on an ironing board that was placed with one end on the couch cushion and the other end on the floor.
(Natural oils are very nourishing for the skin. Applying warmth and moisture helps the oils to penetrate the skin, dislodge toxins, and nourish the skin tissue all at the same time.
Inversions increase blood flow to the face which delivers oxygen and other nutrients. This helps fight free radicals and reduce inflammation that can accelerate the aging process. Going upside down is anti-gravity which means the skin hangs in the opposite direction so it’s like a natural face lift while contributing to that “glow”.)
Why is it so important to take good care of the skin?
The skin is the largest detoxifying organ of the body. The skin wraps us up, provides protection, and performs all of the functions that the other organs do. The skin tissue is living, breathing and absorbs what is in the environment around us and whatever we put on it. This means that we don’t want to put anything onto our skin that we couldn’t eat.
Like many others I have tried tons of over-the-counter products. Some products seemed to work okay, some caused rashes, redness, and irritation, some dried my skin out, and most all of them contained harmful ingredients. In the end, I always came back to my homemade, all natural cleansers, nourishing oils, and “kitchen” ingredient facials. I noticed that in the end, they seemed to work the best.
To this day I still love all things skin and continue to make, use, and sell skin care products based on Ayurvedic principles. Uptans are cleansers made from flours like chick pea, almond, and oats, and herbs such as ashwagandha and sacred basil.
My nourishing face oils are made with a variety of carrier oils such as avocado, almond, and pomegranate seed, essential oils, herbs, and vitamins.
I customize the ingredients to address individual skin types as well as specific conditions such as Dry skin in the winter (Vata), oily and congested in the spring (Kapha), and sensitive skin in the Summer (Pitta).
Simple Uptan Recipe (without herbs)
-2 tbsp. chick pea flour
-2 tbsp. almond flour
-1 tbsp. powdered milk
Mix a small amount in the palm of your hand with enough water to make a paste and apply to a warm moist face. Wash face lightly – Don’t scrub.
You can also let the uptan dry on the skin and then flake it off and rinse.
Five tips for Healthy, Radiant Skin
- Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate- Water is the number one nutrient needed by all the cells of the body.
- Include good quality fats in your diet like coconut oil, ghee, and olive oil.
- Eats lots of all the different colors of vegetables. Daily!
- Reduce sugar and processed foods– one of the main culprits of inflammation and skin problems
- Exercise, breathe and get outside.
I will continue to write about the skin and provide recipes in upcoming posts.
Please contact me if you wish to find out more about my products or you would like to schedule a skin care consultation.