It’s Fall Now: Time to Reflect
Here’s some of my reflections.
The truth is:
I spent a lot of my life not feeling good about who I was.
I held myself back time and again from doing what I really wanted to do because of it.
I lived with shame which is different from guilt.
And guilt, too.
Guilt is where we feel badly about something we did.
Shame is where we feel badly about who we are. Period.
I’ve had a ton of sleepless nights.
I’ve known anxiety really well.
I’m 62 now. I hardly struggle with those things I just wrote about.
I’m not saying I don’t get tripped up from time to time.
It’s just that when troubles do come they don’t hang around for very long.
I feel happy and healthy a good part of the time.
I sleep pretty good, too.
When I don’t sleep, at least I know why and what to do about it.
I know what was causing my anxiety and what part I was playing in making it worse.
(See Tips For Anxiety handout on my resource page)
I’ve learned that we are all made from the same elemental forces, that we are all one, and that the natural world provides law and order. I’ve learned that we need to know about our unique selves and that what we eat and how we live matters greatly.
I understand how energy moves in the body and the necessity to tend to the pranic flows.
I understand the importance of clearing and balancing the subtle body, the chakra system.
I know that stress and trauma needs to be released from the nervous system.
And…. this is the most important piece of all….
Divinity exists in all living things including each one of us.
I get that the Divine lives in me as me.
I know my worth because of it.
I live in a way that honors my divinity.
I take a stand on my behalf when it’s called for.
I got here by spending the last 47 years of my life studying, teaching, and practicing all things Yoga and Ayurveda. I got down and dirty. I self- reflected. Still do. Always will. I faced up to the truth of who I was in all of my goodness and my short comings. Just so you know, I still have plenty of shortcomings! The difference now is that I just don’t beat myself up about them.
I’ve cleared out a lot of gunk and now feel free.
I’ll never go back to the way I was.
I weave what I’ve learned and continue to learn into everything I teach. I share the teachings and my experiences in down-home practical ways. I’m me; a cowgirl at heart. My delivery is simple and earthy.
I know you have been on your own journey and had your fair share of ups and downs. You have your own story to tell.
If you are drawn to anything I’ve written and you have the slightest urge to reach out, please do. If you need help, you’ll have my support. And if you come to the studio here in Liberty you’ll have the support of others too. Not to mention what you will bring to this community. We all learn from and support each other here.
My phone number – 207-589-4254
E-mail ayuyoga@fairpoint.net
If you are simply curious about my work or this place
you can poke around my website.
The info is all there.
I’ve got some fun programs coming up.
And weekly classes too.
In closing, I want to thank you for reading this.
It feels important to me to write it.
Namaste everybody