Week Five: Class Notes
Dear Women,
What a treat and a pleasure to have spent this week with all of you. Please allow plenty of time to let things soak in.
Please do your best to not jump right back into things if at all possible. There are shifts happening whether we notice them or not.

Day 5 Morning Class Notes
We are living in intense times.
We need tools to help us evolve.
Embody love and compassion – the essence of self.
Practice keeping your vibration high.
Practice staying positive and develop the neutral mind.
Set your house in order.
Inside living as opposed to outside living.
Align yourselves.
There is a wise teacher in each one of us that calls us to know ourselves at a very deep level.
When we are connected to our own center our inner light is ignited and shines through.
Our radiance shines out. We heal and inspire ourselves and others.
We begin to sense a freedom and joy when we release old patterns and limiting beliefs.
The practices remind and connect us to this underlying truth:
Sat Chit Ananda
“Our true nature is bliss”
Regarding Kundalini Yoga Books: there are so many!!!
Look them over and see what calls you.
I believe a couple of these were put in the chat this morning:
A couple of suggestions:
–Kundalini Yoga –Shakta Kaur Khalsa
-Kundalini Yoga – the flow of Eternal Power – Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa
–Essential Kundalini Yoga – Karena Virginia and Dharm Khalsa
Moving Forward with the videos:
If there was a practice that really resonated with you, pick that one to start.
A kriya, a warm –up, a meditation, a mantra….
You can also start with Monday and practice that one for a few days and then move to Tuesday, etc.
Keep your practice time doable so that you show up every day.
Try to practice in the morning at the same time.
Consistency is key!!
Carry on!
A Rumi Poem:
On a day when the wind is perfect
A sail just needs to open and the world is full of beauty.
Today is such a day.
The living heart gives to us as does the lunas moon.
Both caress the earth with great tenderness.
There’s a breeze that can enter the soul –
This love we know moves us in rhythm.
On a day when the wind is perfect a sail just needs to open and the love begins.
Today is such a day.