All of my Yogic teachings are deeply influenced by Yoga’s sister, Ayurveda. The posture, breathing, and meditative practices will change according to the seasons and weather patterns as well as to what is going on around us and within us. This is in keeping with harmonizing ourselves with Mother Nature. Come to learn about life and living through the lens of Yoga and Ayurveda. Learn about their guiding principles, gain a deeper understanding of yourself, and be nourished on all levels.
A Yoga practice grounds, stabilizes, focuses and supports spiritual, mental, and emotional health. It helps us create the conditions inside so we are better equipped to handle the day to day pressures of life with strength, steadiness, stability, and courage. We have more prana; life energy, on the inside which contributes to a vibrant yet peaceful state. Our minds will be more calm and clear. Essential for radiance. We want to include breath work, yoga postures or some other form of exercise, meditation, chanting, affirmations and close our practice in silence.
Personalized Yoga Sessions/ Therapeutics- 1 hour, 15 minutes. $125.- A Yoga program will be designed for your specific needs and capabilities. Ayurvedic principles will be applied to help identify the form of yoga practice best suited for your mind/body type and present conditions. Learn how to modify your practices to accommodate your changing needs and the changing seasons. Some of the areas we can address are: creating a general “daily” practice, joint pain, arthritis, digestive issues, anxiety, depression and much more. Meeting one on one is at the very heart of Yoga.
Weekly Classes ~ The current schedule and pricing is listed on the Schedule page.
Vibrant Living – a Gentle/Chair Yoga Class For any one – any age -any level of experience – especially helpful if you are new to yoga and need a “beginner” practice. Good for understanding basic yogic principles, how to move from the core of the body, and for limited capabilities. This class provides a great opportunity to focus on the essential practice of breathing. Learn a seated variation of the timeless and sacred sun salutation flow as well as a standing version with the aid of chairs. Receive therapeutics for the neck, shoulders, low back, hips, and sacrum. Everyone is welcome! If you are wanting a general, overall tonic. Perfect! The body loves gentle so this class is truly beneficial for all.
For a sampling of this practice please see the thirteen minute video
~All Levels Yoga . All of my offerings, including Wednesday morning practices, are deeply influenced by the changing seasons. Learn how to live in a balanced way guided by Mother Nature’s cycles and rhythms. This all levels class is suitable for anyone although being familiar with some of the basic yoga postures is helpful. The focus of this practice changes based on the needs and wants of the group as well as what is going on in and around us. I guide you on how to customize the practice so you can truly receive the most benefits for your unique needs. The practices includes a vinyasa or posture flow with some holdings, breathing practices, meditation, and restorative poses. A great weekly boost and reset for you and your practice.
– Kundalini based Yoga and meditation –
Feel the charge!!! Clear the energetic blocks, boost your energy, feel and look more radiant.
I hear words like this all the time: “I don’t know what it is but I just feel different. Nothing else quite does what this does.“
Please come join us and find out for yourself!
Kundalini yoga includes mantras (chants), breathing techniques, postures, mudras (hand positions) and meditation.
All of these components are combined to form a series of “exercises” known as Kriyas.
Although all systems of the body are strengthened, there is a particular emphasis on the subtle body: the chakra system which directly impacts the nervous and glandular systems. Have greater control of emotions, feel uplifted, and happier overall.
“When I carve out the time to be in your yoga class I always come away more grounded, more connected to my body, with fewer aches and pains and feeling like I have given myself a gift. Your style is perfect for me with your peaceful and skilled approach to the postures, your gentle warm-ups and your words of wisdom.” -S. D.
I started Deb’s yoga class three ago after being diagnosed with breast cancer. Her classes and Ayurvedic Practice have been a vital connection to my continued good health. I so appreciate all that I have learned from my experience in working with her.
C.R. – Liberty, Maine
Deborah offers rare and invaluable gifts to our community. Thank you for it all and for you.
Mariah & Ian – Liberty, Maine