Radiant Living Membership

A Library of On-Demand Yoga and Ayurveda Practices and Teachings

Plus, Live monthly meetings and
Community Forum for support throughout the month

Chair Yoga Recordings are now available in the Radiant Living Membership.


Yoga  & Ayurveda Workshop Bundle

Save 70% this month only

This $37 offer is available for this month only!

Save 70%!

Two Workshops and Practices: 

Yoga for Sleep ~ and~ Stay Calm & Steady

Yoga practices for any level rich with all the yogic elements that will help prepare you for deep rest. Plus ~   wisdom talks on connecting to the heart:  the source of deep inner wisdom and love.

I hope you’ll join us on this path to wellness and fulfillment. 


Why Celebrate a Lunar Eclipse?

Why Celebrate a Lunar Eclipse?

Right now, you may be experiencing a different energy and strong emotions. It isn't just you. We are coming up on a rare lunar eclipse this Sunday night/Monday morning. It is a Blood Moon and Supermoon, and "the first of two of most 'balanced' lunar eclipses for four...

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Let’s Go Foraging

Let’s Go Foraging

There is a term in Ayurveda,  "Ritu Charya” which means attuning to seasonal rhythms with our diets and lifestyles. We help rebalance ourselves when we shift our routines to be in alignment with the seasonal changes.  Think spring!  Movement, growth, new...

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Rising above the chaos

Rising above the chaos

We have just experienced a powerful full moon with strong energies contributing to lots going on. It can be a challenge to stay grounded while all these changes are taking place. We are all being tested in different ways. The...

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